400 Best Sandwich Recipes
From Classics and Burgers to Wraps and Condiments
Simple to prepare yet sublime to eat — sandwich recipes for every occasion. This is the go-to book on sandwiches. These recipes can be enjoyed at any mealtime — not just lunch — and include a wide array of snacks, appetizers and desserts. In addition to the standard fare, there is a selection of wonderful, intriguing and creative new recipes. With hundreds of choices, 400 Best Sandwich Recipes has the perfect sandwich for anyone’s craving, and every recipe can easily be prepared by the home chef. The recipes are organized into: Breakfast and brunch sandwiches Appetizers Lunchbox sandwiches The classics Grilled cheeses Burgers and sliders Wraps International sandwiches American favorites Light and healthy sandwiches Desserts Condiments These outstanding recipes are ideal for the busy home cook who wants to serve tasty, healthy, portable and economical dishes made with fresh ingredients. Very little equipment is needed, and the condiment recipes will enhance any sandwich, turning it into a gourmet meal.
ISBN-10: 0778802655
ISBN-EAN: 9780778802655
Price (USD): $24.95
Price (CAD): $27.95
Format: Trade Paperback
Number of Pages: 360
Published Date: 3/17/2011