The Compassionate Chick’s Guide to DIY Beauty
125 Recipes for Vegan, Gluten-Free, Cruelty-Free Makeup, Skin and Hair Care Products
Part DIY vegan beauty how-to, part cookbook and part self-improvement manifesto, The Compassionate Chick’s Guide to Beauty showcases non-toxic, rejuvenating and restorative skin care and beauty products that you can whip up in your kitchen with simple ingredients for pennies per treatment. Why spend $40 on a facial mask or $8 on a package of organic facial wipes when you can make these products yourself for just a dollar or two?
With Sunny’s witty, whimsical, edgy and inspirational style, easy-to-follow instructions plus step-by-step photos that detail how to make and use the products, this book is a delight to read. The recipes are easy, inexpensive and provide real beauty results. Everything you need to know about making your own vegan cosmetics is here — from the benefits of going vegan and why it’s important to only use products that haven’t been animal tested to a complete list of what you’ll need to get started, from the ingredients to the equipment. And then, of course, there are over 115 recipes that will make you feel fantastic from head to toe. You’ll discover how to take care of your skin the right way. Included are recipes for normal, oily, combo, dry and mature skin as well as daytime/nighttime beauty regimens.
Recipes from the bath and body section offer a spa experience in the comfort of your home, and the hair care section addresses everything from conditioning to dandruff. And then there’s the cosmetic/makeup section, where you’ll learn how to make everything from mascara to liquid foundation to lipstick with natural, non-toxic ingredients. This head-to-toe natural beauty guide will become your go-to guide when it comes to vegan beauty. It’s fun and informative, and it even features a gift section, an alphabetical ingredient list that includes beneficial properties, and a listing for vegan resources.
ISBN-10: 0778805476
ISBN-EAN: 9780778805472
Price (USD): $24.95
Price (CAD): $24.95
Format: Trade Paperback
Number of Pages: 272
Published Date: 9/30/2016