Help for Eating Disorders
A Parent's Guide to Symptoms, Causes and Treatment
Straightforward solutions to difficult problems. Most teenagers have a friend who has been affected by an eating disorder. Such disorders affect almost 20% of teenage girls in North America at some point in their development. Magazines and movies constantly stress a thin body image as the defining force for popularity. The message teenagers get is that thin is the only route to popularity and happiness. Through the Eating Disorder Program, Drs. Katzman and Pinhas, at The Hospital for Sick Children, have developed a program that helps young people and their parents deal with the problems of eating disorders such as anorexia nervosa and bulimia. First, the book shows parents how to identify an eating disorder and when to become concerned about it. Second, there is vital information for parents on how to become informed users of the health-care system and how to collaborate in their child’s treatment. Third, practical support for parents, family members and coaches enables them to participate in the recovery of a child or adolescent with an eating disorder. Worksheets, diaries and first-person case studies assist parents and caregivers to help youth overcome an eating disorder.
ISBN-10: 0778801152
ISBN-EAN: 9780778801153
Price (USD): $18.95
Price (CAD): $24.95
Format: Trade Paperback
Number of Pages: 224
Published Date: 4/5/2005