150 Best Dips and Salsas
Plus Recipes for Chips, Flatbreads and More
Mouthwatering recipes to get any special occasion off to a memorable start. Dips and salsas are the most sociable of recipes — great catalysts for getting a party going because they encourage guests to congregate by scooping and munching.
Most of these recipes can be prepared ahead of time, and they will appeal to a wide variety of tastes and will satisfy many different dietary preferences, from strict vegans to wide-ranging omnivores. The authors provide a wonderful rainbow of textures and flavors, from salty and sweet to spicy and sour. All the recipes are made with fresh ingredients. Here is just a small sampling of the delightful dips:
Canary Island Red Pepper Mojo, Greek-Style Eggplant Dip, Easy Tahini Dip, Guacamole, Pepper-Spiked Plantain Dip, Creamy Roquefort Dip, Egg and Olive Spread, Caramelized Red Onion Dip, Green Olive Tapenade, Walnut Hummus
And a few of the sublime salsas:
Roasted Corn Salsa, Pineapple Mango Salsa, Pepper Confetti Salsa, Navy Bean Salsa, Bloody Mary Salsa, Fresh Salsa Verde, Apple and Dried Cranberry Salsa, Classic Mango Salsa, Warm Banana Salsa, Jicama Salsa, Spicy Nectarine Salsa
The authors also provide a wealth of serving ideas and compatible companions to their dips and salsas, from dippers such Green Plantain Chips and rice crackers, to cucumber slices and crostini and more.
ISBN-10: 0778804852
ISBN-EAN: 9780778804857
Price (USD): $19.95
Price (CAD): $19.95
Format: Trade Paperback
Number of Pages: 192
Published Date: 9/11/2014