The Complete Fibromyalgia Health, Diet Guide and Cookbook
Includes Practical Wellness Solutions and 100 Delicious Recipes
According to the 2010 Canadian Community Health Survey, there are 450,000 people in Canada who have fibromyalgia. In the United States, there are an estimated five million adults.
This book, written by leading experts in fibromyalgia, gives common sense tools that will help fibromyalgia patients help themselves on to a road to improvement and perhaps recovery. There are few books on fibromyalgia that provide a program for recovery and a cache of antifibromyalgia foods and recipes as successfully as this book. It uses The SEEDS of health approach (Support, Environment, Exercise/Pacing, Diet/Drugs, Sleep) and has shown significant success rates in patients. The goal of this book is to help patients improve their ability to function and their quality of life. The treatment approach is centered around rebuilding: helping to decrease pain, control inflammation, improve sleep, improve cognitive function (reduce brain fog) and improve energy levels. The book is also a source of support for family and friends.
Part 1: Understanding Fibromyalgia Causes, patient profile, symptoms, assessment tools, diagnosis
Part 2: Managing Fibromyalgia SEEDS of health program, medications, complementary and alternative medicines, dietary therapy and strategies
Part 3: Fibromyalgia Diet Program Step-by-step plan including shopping lists, shortcuts for meal preparation and meal schedules
Part 4: 125 Recipes for Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner and Snacks
This outstanding fibromyalgia resource provides the necessary hope, support and resources for a condition that is often misunderstood or left undiagnosed and untreated for many years.
ISBN-10: 0778804534
ISBN-EAN: 9780778804536
Price (USD): $24.95
Price (CAD): $24.95
Format: Trade Paperback
Number of Pages: 288
Published Date: 8/23/2013