The Baby Signing Book
Includes 450 ASL Signs for Babies and Toddlers
This second edition includes 100 additional American Sign Language (ASL) symbols, plus more case studies. The interest surrounding baby signing continues to increase as more and more parents embrace this special world of communication that allows babies to communicate before they can talk.
Sign language gives them a way to express their wants and needs, easing frustration for both baby and parent. Being able to communicate effectively with a very young child is positively thrilling.
Part 1 of the book is an introduction to signing with babies and young children, providing the basic knowledge, skills and strategies to get started. Age-specific guidelines offer advice on signing with children from birth to age 3 and up. Part 2 is a handy dictionary of 450 ASL signs, each clearly illustrated with tips on how to form and remember the signs. Part 3 provides favorite songs and rhymes to sign with a child.
Special features include: The top five signing tips A program that parents can customize according to their family’s needs Answers to frequently asked questions Instructions on the five distinct components of ASL signs: body space, hand shape, movement, palm orientation and facial expression Age-specific advice on how to teach sign language as a child develops. By simply following this book, a special world of communication awaits.
ISBN-10: 0778804518
ISBN-EAN: 9780778804512
Price (USD): $24.95
Price (CAD): $24.95
Format: Trade Paperback
Number of Pages: 288
Published Date: 1/23/2013