The Aromatherapy Beauty Guide
Using the Science of Carrier and Essential Oils to Create Natural Personal Care Products
Each drop of essential oil contains a natural pharmacy. —Danielle Sade Discover how to create natural skin-care products by unlocking the therapeutic power of plants. This comprehensive book provides a wealth of evidence-based information that outlines a sensible and sound approach when it comes to creating your own natural product formulas. Using the clear and easy-to-follow directions, you’ll be able to create your own signature products that will complement a natural lifestyle as well as meet your individual skincare needs.
The Aromatherapy Beauty Guide is broken down into easy-to-digest sections: The Foundation Includes information on everything from anatomy of the skin, the all-important mind-body connection, the nature of skin types (from dry and sensitive skin to combination and aging skin) as well as the art of skin care and creating your personal skin care apothecary — all without chemicals and preservatives, just the tried-and-true chemistry of essential oils. The Ingredients for Great Skin Care Information on all the raw ingredients you’ll need to get started (clays, flours and grains) as well as comprehensive information on the important role of carrier oils.
Danielle discusses the essential properties of 16 carrier oils, like coconut oil, jojoba, and marula oil. Plant butters such as shea butter as well as herbal infusions are also featured for their healing and therapeutic properties. Essential Oils Thirty-five essential oils are featured, from bergamot and carrot seed to roman chamomile. Discover all you need to know about essential oils including the biosynthesis of essential oils, the genus and varieties as well as a directory of the oils best suited to your personal care and needs.
Creating Your Own Personal Care Products Over 100 formulations with easy-to-follow instructions on creating products for the face, body, bath, pregnancy and breastfeeding, and personal care products for men. Danielle Sade, BSc, CAHP, has over 30 years of experience teaching and practicing complementary health practices. She also creates educational certification programs in aromatherapy and leads workshops in making natural product formulations for personal and professional use. She’s passionate about sharing the sound scientific basis upon which aromatherapy is built and making this invaluable information available to everyone.
The aromatic molecules of a plant not only have the power to shift the way you feel, but the essential oils from plants also have powerful therapeutic properties. It’s the dynamics of these therapeutic actions that form the foundation in Danielle’s successful approach to skin care. Danielle was also inspired to write this book because she herself has experienced skin sensitivities that didn’t improve even after visits to skin specialists and conventional therapies. When the symptoms didn’t subside, she took matters into her own hands and sought out a natural-medicine healing approach through essential oils.
Making your own natural botanical creams and lotions is surprisingly simple and very satisfying — you’ll soon be on the road to recovery and living a more natural lifestyle.
ISBN-10: 0778805603
ISBN-EAN: 9780778805601
Price (USD): $24.95
Price (CAD): $24.95
Format: Trade Paperback
Number of Pages: 384
Published Date: 3/28/2017