Beginner’s Baby Sign Language
Sign & Sing at Home
Your baby is ready to sign when they can wave bye-bye.
What are the benefits of teaching your baby basic sign language?
Beginner’s Baby Sign Language: Sign & Sing at Home includes 100+ American Sign Language (ASL) signs to introduce to your baby. This book is designed to show you what and when to sign to your child. Not only is it surprisingly easy, signing with your baby can increase connection and bonding as you better understand baby’s behavior and can relieve frustration by helping them to communicate their wants. You’ll find easy-to-follow illustrations and instructions for signs like milk and diaper. You’ll also learn familiar and practical songs to sign and sing with your child. Also included are the alphabet and numbers (1-10) in ASL conveniently located at the front and back of the book for quick reference.
Unlike other books in the genre, this beautifully designed educational book stands out with loads of full-color photographs to make it easy to look up the signs you want to share. ASL is the predominant sign language in the US and Canada and the vocabulary here has been chosen especially for new parents, expecting parents, grandparents, caregivers, educators, therapists and child-care workers to use. With this book you and your baby will be communicating clearly and confidently!
- Signing allows your child to clearly communicate their thoughts
- Signing will not delay verbal language development; in fact, it will most likely increase it
- Signing reduces frustrations for your child, significantly lessening the terrible twos!
ISBN-10: 077880710X
ISBN-EAN: 9780778807100
Price (USD): 19.95
Price (CAD): 24.95
Format: TP
Number of Pages: 176
Published Date: March 15, 2023