The Mixer Bible
Maximizing Your Stand Mixer and Attachments
A beautifully updated fourth edition of the best-selling The Mixer Bible with over 300 recipes for maximizing everyone’s favorite KitchenAid appliance. The KitchenAid stand mixer is the gold standard of stand mixers; it’s the most highly coveted and useful piece of culinary equipment you can get. It beats, whips, mixes and mills, kneads dough, grinds meat, stuffs sausages, slices vegetables, makes ice cream and cuts pasta. With over 300 recipes for appetizers, soups, mains and treats, The Mixer Bible will inspire you to create delicious meals while walking you through how the mixer and each of its attachments work. A trusted KitchenAid companion, this updated fourth edition has brand-new recipes and is one of the only books available with information on three new attachments. Recipes include White Bean, Rosemary and Pancetta Bruschetta; Potato and Leek Soup; Roasted Red Pepper Aioli; Orange, Apricot and White Chocolate Biscotti; and Plum Upside-Down Cake.
ISBN-10: 0778804666
ISBN-EAN: 9780778804666
Price (USD): $27.95
Price (CAD): $29.95
Format: Trade Paperback
Number of Pages: 408
Published Date: 12/15/2018