The Ice Cream Bible
Homemade ice cream is the ultimate treat and the ultimate comfort food! Ice cream’s appeal is truly universal, and it delights all ages. And thanks to the many ice cream makers now on the market, it’s easy to create an amazing variety of ice creams, granitas, sorbets, gelatos and ices that will satisfy in ways store-bought ice creams never could. When served to guests, homemade ice cream can be even more impressive than the fanciest cakes and tarts.
There are many benefits to making your own ice cream: homemade ice cream is creamier than store-bought, it is made with fresh, wholesome ingredients, and you can customize your choices according to your personal preferences, making it organic, low-fat, low-cholesterol or nut-free.
Kids are fascinated by the process of making ice cream — it’s a fun task that families can share while creating fond memories at the same time. Marilyn and Tanya share 200 innovative, inspiring and luscious recipes, from Chocolate Macaroon Ice Cream to Carrot Ginger Ice Cream to Kiwi Gelato, along with classics like Honey Vanilla Ice Cream, Peanut Butter Chocolate Ice Cream and Peach Ice Cream.
With so many sumptuous recipes to choose from, the sky’s almost the limit!
ISBN-10: 0778801799
ISBN-EAN: 9780778801795
Price (USD): $24.95
Price (CAD): $27.95
Format: Trade Paperback
Number of Pages: 272
Published Date: 4/11/2008