Mastering Authentic Crepes & Galettes
50 Recipes from the Experts
Authentic Recipes and Instruction from the Founder of France’s Breizh Café
Mastering Authentic Crepes & Galettes includes 50 recipes from Bertrand Larcher, founder of Breizh Café – the world-famous crepes restaurant in Paris and Tokyo, and the founder of Atelier de la Crêpe, an international school specializing in learning the craft of crepe and galette making for beginners and professionals. In Mastering Authentic Crepes & Galettes you’ll discover a collection of genuine recipes for crepes and galettes, many including the traditional buckwheat flour. You’ll find step-by-step photos and detailed instructions for batters, different modes of cooking, folding and presentation, and delicious sweet and savory recipes for every flavor palate.
ISBN-10: 0778807207
ISBN-EAN: 9780778807209
Price (USD): $24.95
Price (CAD): $29.95
Format: TP
Number of Pages: 144
Published Date: September 2024