Gravity Cakes!
Create 45 Amazing Cakes
For the ultimate in show-stopping desserts, look no further than these cakes that seem to defy gravity. While elements of the cake may seem like they’re floating in thin air, it’s really just simple scaffolding (plastic balloon sticks), concealed within the cake and disguised with fondant and candy, that creates the spellbinding illusion. These cakes are incredibly fun and beautiful, and are sure to be the star attraction at your next celebration. While they may seem complicated, they really aren’t. Each of the 45 projects features step-by-step instructions with a photo for each step, making the decorating process foolproof and surprisingly easy. Full color throughout, these projects will spark your imagination and provide loads of decorating inspiration. There’s a cake for virtually every event and occasion — from Valentine’s Day to Thanksgiving and from baby reveals to poker parties, and everything in between. Once you’ve mastered the techniques, it will be no time before you’re using your imagination to create your own unique designs. The inspiration for this book is Francesca and Jakki’s friendship: they’ve embraced the book as an opportunity to keep the ties of their friendship strong despite living so far apart.
ISBN-10: 0778805492
ISBN-EAN: 9780778805496
Price (USD): $24.95
Price (CAD): $27.95
Format: Trade Paperback
Number of Pages: 272
Published Date: 11/10/2016