300 Best Bread Machine Recipes
The ultimate bread machine book. The aroma of freshly baked bread is one of the world’s greatest comforts and making bread at home is more popular than ever. After all, not everyone has time to keep complicated sour dough starter alive, but everyone has time for quick and healthy home-baked bread! This collection of wonderful recipes features all the information you need about baking bread using both older and newer bread machine models. You’ll find everything from traditional favorites to innovative recipes that reflect today’s tastes, with tons of tips and techniques and three handy glossaries. This is the perfect book for people who cherish homemade bread . . . and the convenience of a bread machine! Donna and Heather’s bread machine books have sold over 300,000 copies.
ISBN-10: 0778802442
ISBN-EAN: 9780778802440
Price (USD): $24.95
Price (CAD): $24.95
Format: Trade Paperback
Number of Pages: 448
Published Date: 2/4/2010