More Than 200 Recipes
From classic chocolate recipes to wholesome treats. Who can resist the offer of a homemade cookie? It’s the perfect portable snack or small dessert. Best of all, cookies are as easy to make as they are delicious. Cookies presents an extraordinary range of recipes — from the classics to variations on the traditional childhood favorites, to new taste sensations.
With color pages throughout and dozens of photographs, Cookies serves up plenty of inspiration and a great selection of delectable recipes, including:
- White chocolate fruit and nut cookies
- Chocolate caramel oat cookies
- Toffee chocolate almond chippers
- Chocolate chunk pecan cookies
- Triple nut biscotti
- Chocolate orange pinwheels
- Apricot thumbprints
- Milk chocolate peanut butter cookies
- Loaded oatmeal cookies
The recipes are carefully tested to be fail-safe, and there are lots of helpful baking tips and techniques. There is information on using baking equipment, and a pantry guide to essential ingredients.
ISBN-10: 0778801683
ISBN-EAN: 9780778801689
Price (USD): $22.95
Price (CAD): $27.95
Format: Trade Paperback
Number of Pages: 256
Published Date: 9/14/2007